Sunday, June 12, 2011

Post Pregnancy...Pre Transformation...

After gaining over 60lbs during Pregnancy, I am ready to embark on one of the more difficult journey's of my life....Getting Back in Shape. As a Fitness Trainer, it is extremely important to walk the walk that you expect your clients to walk. I take pride in being a motivational force in so many people's lives so I hope that seeing my journey and my struggle will continue to inspire them even more. Even trainers need motivation too. Unfortunately, I didn't capture a photo of myself right after having the baby so that you could get a true glimpse of my starting point but better late than never (in my grandmother's words). Before getting pregnant I wore a slim 142 pound, toned yet not fully muscular frame. 10 months later, I weighed in at a whopping 207 lbs of both FAT and Baby!!
I kept telling myself that I wouldn't gain much weight during my pregnancy this time around but just the same as with my 1st daughter, again I was horribly sick for 7 straight months & it took a toll on my activity level. My craving for All Things Carbs  (pasta, potatoes,bread,grits,etc) didn't help much either. They seemed like the only things that would stay down, so I ate them in abundance :) After Breastfeeding for just 8 weeks I had already lost over 40 of those 65lbs (Who said Breastfeeding isn't best???) So after going to my checkup I tried my hand at hitting the gym again on May 5th 2011. On that day I weighed in at 164.8lbs & 38% Body Fat. I set myself a personal goal of 22lbs and 6% Body Fat and began hitting the gym as much as possible! But boy was I in for a rude awakening~ My entire equilibrium was off, I couldn't keep up in step class that week, and I was a litle but discouraged. I had to keep reminding myself ( just had a baby, you can't expect to have the stamina you had months ago, right away!), So I took a week off from the gym, regrouped and slowly worked myself back in to my trainers' classes the rest of the month of May. So here's where I pull you in on my journey.....Hope you find it informational, motivational and inspirational. Please leave any comments, questions or concerns as this will be a learning journey for me too.


  1. Miesha, I absolutely love that you are doing this! I just came across your blog and I'm so excited to see your transformation. Thanks for being so open and honest, as you always have been and thanks for sharing your journey with us. I honestly thought you were superhuman and felt no frustration or weakness.....but I see even the best of the best have their moments.

    Lucretia (Hughes) Fisher

  2. That's funny...I think my husband thinks I'm superhuman too! lol...I really wanted to share this journey with whomever may be inspired by it. As long as I inspire one person, my work will not go in vein! Thank you for supporting! Don't forget to follow and subscribe!
