Monday, December 12, 2011

Defeat Starts in the Mind...

Tonight I feel compelled to share with you the mental defeat I almost allowed to take over my progress and motivation. I would be a complete liar if I didn't honestly tell you that I have experienced some major mental setbacks over the past 2 months in my weight loss journey. I have experienced emotional eating, depression, self doubt and low self esteem all at the same time. I would stand in the mirror and be so disgusted my own image that i'd just forego my workout and tell myself "Im still gonna have these stretch marks on my stomach no matter what" so why am I stressing myself out? Now keep in mind that yes, I just had a baby 8 months ago, and people tell me all the time "you're looking good to just have had a baby" but I am still a Fitness Trainer and I am expected to look fit. Therefore, I've been constantly beating myself up about being out of shape and being overwhelmed with my new motherhood duties were taking a toll on me. These things sent me into a serious depression. Here I am the one who guides thousands of others through successful weight loss journeys and I couldn't seem to navigate myself through my own. All the while neglecting the fact that I have actually lost 60 pounds in the last 8-9 months. We spend so much time dwelling on what's wrong and not focusing on what we're doing right! This is what I call Mental Defeat- - Beating yourself down, or telling yourself you can't do is mentally defeating yourself before you've even given yourself a fair chance to accomplish actually losing weight.

Next, I did what I know to do best about it....
I prayed on it. Proverbs 23 and several other scriptures that spoke on gluttony and laziness. I'm not gonna tell you that my motivation appeared overnight, but I'm proud to tell you that I am definately refocused, recharged and getting RESULTS! It was a matter of eating the right portions (stop being greedy) and getting my tail in the gym (even sometimes bringing the baby with me)! I have been struggling with breaking out of the 150s since October and I finally weighed in at 147 last week. It was a matter of re-dedicating myself to my Fitness craft, but it was a matter of taking responsibility for what I was feeding myself and how I'd been treating my body. I feel better, I'm looking better and most of all I'm finding peace within myself. So, if you or anyone else you know is struggling with finding their motivation, just know that the "first step is the best step"! Take it one day at a time like everything else and know that you deserve to like the way you look......ONLY WE CAN CONTROL WHAT HAPPENS WITH OUR BODIES!    



  1. I Love it!!! Just what my soul needed... Keep up the good work. You motivate me miles and miles away!!

  2. Miesha,
    Great post! Please know that while you may not be where you want to be with your weight that there is so much more about you that serves as motivation to me and I am sure others. Wife, mom, sister, business woman, etc...your commitment to be the best everything shows!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very encouraging, continue doing what you do it is a motivation for me and I'm sure to many others. Going to my bible as soon as I finish typing this comment, so that I can continue to be motivated and encouraged not just by you but by the word of God also. Thank you so much.

  5. Thank you all for your words of encouragement! I didn't think anyone was following my blog, then I was approached by multiple people in the same week asking when I was going to update it and I was like "wow" somebody does read thank you for your support and mostly for taking the time to give feedback--- i really appreciate that!

  6. Shante...I truly wish I could come there a few times a week and help my ATL girls out!!! Darlene, They always say you shouldn't have to say what you're should show! So thats means alot to hear my hard work be recognized.

  7. so encouraging, This just motivated me to reinstate

  8. Miesha, thank you for sharing your inner turmoils, I have had the exact same mindset. I am thankful to you and the Nu Life Fitness Camp,I had signed up for the orientations on Sundays many times but I never followed through. I was alerted to Nu Life Fitness by a friend Shenna, but I still couldn't seem to get myself together to get to orientation. Finally I made it to an orientation your knowledge and information that you displayed in orientation was impressionable. I have been coming to Nu Life for around 6 or 8 weeks. In the early morning I would desire to stay in bed and miss the 6am Waterloo class with Shenita, yet I was able to get up everyday for work at 4:30am for 6 years. As I continued to lay in bed my thoughts were continue to stay in bed and you will continue to be overweight (fat) is the word that came in my mind. Now I feel so refreshed after each workout I am estatic that I came Nu Life Fitness, your words if you are looking for an easy way to lose weight, I hear that in my ears often, but nothing worth having is easy or free. I now have mastered my goal for the last few weeks of attending five days a week, I also have given up pop, kool-aid, and juice. I realized that I was just hindering reaching my goals thinking I could do what I want and just work it off. I know that I must change my lifestyle to reach my goals. My husband stated that he is so proud of me I told him, once I make up my mind I follow through. I was teary-eyed reading your blog today thank you again for being personable and honest with us ! My best deliverance I have exprienced is no migraines I have suffered for years, and I was a regular in the CCF headache clinic, for infusions, I am thanking God and Nu Life for allowing me to be in this wonderful program. I have changed my lifestyle for life which is the only way that I can change my body and my mind.


